
here we go

That first one was just to see if it worked. This will be my first official post. The reason for me to enter the blogosphere was not an immediate one, other than occasional badgering from the rest of you bastards, but rather the eventual need which will be created when I leave this state and thus will need to communicate with my friends. Don't bother to check this too often. I'm lazy, so I may not post very often.

Tomorrow I start my summer job for the last time...(pause for incredulous laughter from thse who have heard that at least 4 times)...and I'm pretty happy about it. City employees can make lazy people look pretty industrious. Also, having a 25 meter lap pool to myself and the amoeba may take care of these 64 lbs I somehow acquired in the last nine years. Stupid tacos.

we'll see.

Is starting a blog you doubt you'll utilize just because you're bored a good idea?