
darkness on the edge of town

i don't have the heart to post about this.
the saddest post in the world.


girl you know it's true

the hypocritic oath

so i realized as i accepted the bible tract from a customer that earlier she, while relating the story of how she purchased her car, told me that her son "jewed" the seller down to a reasonable price. this is the sort of thing that makes me hate organized religion. these people are part of the reason i stopped going to church 10 years ago.


more politeness (or, kung fu sunshine)

new employees mean more bad things...

-"that fucking bitch" (overheard several separate times, apparently talking to himself)

-"i'm angry."
"you need more puss." (pronounced like a type of cat w/o the y)
"you need to get some poon-tang."
"um...maybe...um..." (walking away)

-"i knew he was a fuckin' queer. doesn't talk about pussy enough."

-"don't you wish all the foreigners would just go away?"
"uh, no. a few generations back most of my family was foreign here, so i don't really have a problem with them."
"yeah, but i just wish the ones that can't speak it would get out, you know?"
-"..." (concentrating so hard on an air filter that i can't continue the conversation)

-" que vas a sufrir..." (singing mars volta)
"what? are you singing mexican now?"

don't worry; i hear something offensive every day. more to come.


ikyam and my father be damned, i do what i want

okay, i hate bill o'reilly as much as any other moderate/liberal and i usually avoid watching him to avoid ulcers and high blood pressure, but sometimes i like to revel in it. so, apparently, does keith olbermann. maybe a little too much. but even considering the source and also my own biased view, this is an enjoyable, albeit lengthy look at a fatuous windbag. he is, of course, one of many, but i like hating him a little more than all the rest.


backbiting and fur flying

since i have nothing in my life except a worse job than you, i will continue with the next installment of the Oil and the Beautiful (or Jiffy Lubes of Our Lives, so that stemshul can say JOOL!).

on monday, carpenter mike (big fish) decided that getting out of a running stick shift while it was in gear was more important than our store's bonus for the next two months or having all our garage doors close at night. but at least i know what a rav4 getting a buzz cut looks like.

on tuesday, our only assistant manager walked out and proceeded to throw our store manager under the bus by calling the franchise owner with accusations, which led to our store manager bitching about being called lazy, which led to frankie impling it might be true, which lead to a pissing contest, which led to frankie going back to hollywood to find a new jorb.

on wednesday we got three new employees, which is good since while we've been "hiring" since i started in october, we had managed to hire nobody while losing three out of eight employees and one out of two managers. we are supposed to have one manager, one assistant, one "third key", and 8-10 employees we were down to one store manager and five employees. the only potential advantage of this scenario would be larger shares of the bonus, but alas, big fish + my hopes and dreams and a brand new toyota = disaster.

oh, and my contribution was to fuck up the close by shorting the till about two thousand dollars.

oh, oh, and carpenter mike was trying to prime a filter gasket and while eventually succeeding, first primed both me and the car whose windows i had just washed with 10w30 oil.
wednesday was stellar.

the lesson, as always, don't work at jiffy lube.

i'm talking to you, katohater. and maybe you, amoeba.